1025 South Perry St. Unit 101-B
Castle Rock, Colorado 80104


Mon - Sat: 10am-4pm
Tuesday: Closed
Sunday: Closed



Sewing Supplies

Pfaff Powerquilter

  • Built-in Optical Stitch regulation – Achieve consistent and beautiful stitch quality by setting the regulated stitch length between 4-22 stitches per inch for a professional finish.
  • 2,100 Stitches per minute
  • LED lighting-built in LED around needle area and into the workspace for a clear view of your project.
  • Extra Large Machine Space- 16” throat space and 8” vertical space
  • Project Tool-track your time and stitches on your project
  • Built in Diagnostics
  • Large Capacity Bobbin  and Stand-alone Bobbin Winder
  • Needle Up/Down