1025 South Perry St. Unit 101-B
Castle Rock, Colorado 80104


Mon - Sat: 10am-3pm
Tuesday: Closed
Sunday: Closed



Class Registration

Transformation with MySewnet


Janie LantzJanie Lantz will be in town to help take existing designs and transforming them into something new. $50 per day or $125 for all three.

Transformations:  Reinvent your embroideries with mySewnet Embroidery Software!


Have you ever wished your favorite pattern-filled embroidery was also an appliqué?  Or that you could add Pattern Fills or specialty stitches to parts of a quilting-in-the hoop design?  The secret is in knowing which tools to use, and how to master them to achieve your perfect styles.

Join us at Sew-Ciety for a 3 day exploration of special techniques designed to transform your embroidery from old to new! Janie Lantz will step you through tips and techniques for how to reinvent stitches, change fills to appliques, add lace, attain perfection in resizing, and more!


Classes will be different each day!

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.

Mon - Sat - 10am - 3pm
Closed Tue & Sun