1025 South Perry St. Unit 101-B
Castle Rock, Colorado 80104


Mon - Sat: 10am-3pm
Tuesday: Closed
Sunday: Closed



Class Registration

Pfaff icon Workbook


Explore the features of the icon each month.  Workbook lesson will be emailed to students. Companion project will be emailed but not completed during the class.  FREE  class is icon purchased at Sew-ciety.  $25 per lesson if not

October Pfaff Workbook Class

Sew-Ciety, 1025 South Perry St Unit 101B, Castle Rock, CO  80104


Maxi Sewing Techniques



The workbook section for this month will be covering Maxi Sewing Techniques.  These includes the Subcategory 5.4 Maxi Art Stitches, Category 7 Monograms, Subcategory 2.2 Stippling Stitches, and Subcategory 9.2 Four Direction Stitches.  These stitches are larger than the 9mm limit of most of the built-in stitches in the machine.  These stitches look as if they were done in embroidery but are stitched in the sewing mode.


We will be stitching samples during the class so you may want to have the following available:


3 or 4 8” x 8” squares of a tear away stabilizer

3 or 4  8” x 8” squares of a plain fabric

1 piece of 3” x 3” Print fabric

Embroidery threads

Embroidery bobbin thread

Optional:  since some of the stitches are stippling stitches you may want to try them out on a                                       quilt sandwich sample.   One 8” x 8” sandwich should be enough.


As time permits, we will be using the accompanying project write up to explore how these techniques and features can be used to create a Maxi Stitch Zipper Bag.


If you would like to gather the supplies for the project, here is the list:

Fabrics & Stabilizer:

1/3 Yard Fabric A light color  (Center Panel of bag)  2 (10” x 7”)

1/3 Yard Fabric B medium color  (Top Band of bag)  2 (4” x 14”)

1/3 Yard Fabric C dark color  (Sides next to Center Panel)  4 (10” x 6”)

1/3 Yard Fabric D for bias tape strip  1 3/4" x WOF

1/8 Yard Fabric E contrast for piping  1 1/4" x WOF

1/2 Yard Fusible Fleece 2 (10” x 7”)  4 (10” x 6”)  2 (4” x 14”)

Tearaway Stabilizer


Construction thread to match fabric

Embroidery threads 4 colors that coordinate with fabrics

Gold metallic embroidery thread

Additional Supplies:

14” Zipper

3/4 Yard 3/32” cord for piping

3/8” Bias Tape maker (can use Sashers)

Piping Trimming Tool

10” Ribbon for zipper pull


The workbook section and accompanying project will be emailed to you prior to class.

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United States: +1 (872) 240-3311

Access Code: 409-381-429

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We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.

Mon - Sat - 10am - 3pm
Closed Tue & Sun