1025 South Perry St. Unit 101-B
Castle Rock, Colorado 80104


Mon - Sat: 10am-4pm
Tuesday: Closed
Sunday: Closed



Zippers on Viking and Pfaff!

Zipper Foot

Zippers on Viking and Pfaff!


Invisible Zipper:

  1. Cut your pieces for back of pillow and lay them right sides up
  2. Open your invisible zipper and press with a press cloth to uncurl zipper
  3. Place the right side of zipper to fabric right side up
  4. Pin or use stitch perfection tape from RNK
  5. Put your invisible zipper on machine and stitch with zipper coil in groove of foot.
  6. Keep zipper open and repeat for other side of zipper.
  7. Press and close seam with regular zipper foot.
  8. Open zipper half way and then stitch pillow back to pillow right sides together

Flap over Zipper:

  1. Cut your pieces for back of pillow and lay them right sides up
  2. Cut a strip of back fabric 2 1/2” inches
  3. Press strip in half wrong sides together
  4. Pin or tape , aligning raw edges of strip to  pillow back
  5. Open zipper and place right side of zipper on to strip, pin or tape in place
  6. Put on your zipper foot that came with your Viking or Pfaff machine
  7. Stitch thru all layers
  8. Keep zipper open and repeat on second side of pillow back
  9. Press and open zipper half way and then stitch pillow back to pillow right sides together