1025 South Perry St. Unit 101-B
Castle Rock, Colorado 80104


Mon - Sat: 10am-4pm
Tuesday: Closed
Sunday: Closed



Programming on Viking & Sequencing on Pfaff

Programming Stitch Combinations

Programming on Viking & Sequencing on Pfaff


Instruction written for EPIC 2 (work on most Vikings but symbols slightly different)

  1. Select sewing and start new
  2. Select programming which in on bottom bar as “A” and zigzag
  3. Program menu opens up
  4. Select a fix
  5. Children’s menu (G) select bike and enlarge to 20.0
  6. Select sewing alphabet fonts-I used Block 12
  7. Select capital K and then turn off caps and continue with eep it simple.
  8. Select stitches and Childrens menu and select bike again and enlarge to 20.0
  9. On screen select fix and scissors
  10. Note that you can see actual length of what you programmed.
  11. Save the stitch by selecting the heart on the bottom. Rename your stitch Keep
  12. 12.Create the second line by repeating process above.  Sample was done by using coffee cup and “Life is good” coffee cup. Save by using heart at bottom and rename Life
  13. Both of your stitch lines are now saved on machine. To stitch out, use a tearaway (a light one is ok for this.) Carefully remove stabilizer.  Sample was stitched with King Tut variegated thread

Mock Hand Quilting

  1. Lay backing, batting, placemat and use Fuse Free in between for temporary bond
  2. Thread top with monofilament and bobbin with cotton. The color will show on the top.  Sample used King Tut in bobbin.
  3. Attach the ¼” foot and single hole plate
  4. Select Mock Hand Quilt Stitch from Quilt menu D2
  5. Sew at medium even speed. Recommend using start/stop button and needle down

Pfaff Sequencing on icon

  1. Select Sewing
  2. Select Sequence Creator
  3. Stitch menu select 5.1.42
  4. Select sewing alphabet Block Line
  5. Select “K” and deselect shift and use small letters for eep it simple
  6. Select stitch menu and stitch 5.1.42
  7. Save design by selecting heart on bottom left
  8. Rename as Keep
  9. Repeat for second line starting and stopping with your choice of stitch and type Life is Good and your stitch.
  10. Save in heart on bottom and rename
  11. Ready to stitch. Touch single pattern key to get just one repeat. (I tried to put in the tie offs and cut but it kept sewing)

Mock Hand Quilting Stitch

  1. Lay backing, batting, placemat and use Fuse Free in between for temporary bond
  2. Thread top with monofilament and bobbin with cotton.  The color will show on the top.  Sample used King Tut in bobbin.
  3. Attach the ¼” foot and single hole plate
  4. Stitch 2.1.2


This a great way to make combinations of stitches and words. If you put labels on your projects and can create and save each line. 

Created by:

I like to slow machine and use start stop button. The constant speed helps to keep stitch formation consistent.

Mock Hand Stitch is tight tension to make the bobbin thread pull up to top. If you are breaking thread you may need to loosen the top tension.

Faux binding-After you have stitch words remove stabilizer. Add a one inch strip on each side of placemat the fabric for faux binding. Then layer batting behind top of placemat. Place backing, right side to right side of placemat and stitch all the way around but leaving about 3” opening for turning. Turn and poke corners with RNK turning tool. Pressing close up opening with your method of choice (not hand sewing)… Stitch in ditch around faux binding. Do your mock hand quilting stitch at this point. This is fast and folks won’t know its not a bound project.