17 Oct Three New Days of PREMIER+™ 2 Embroidery!
Janie Lantz is coming to Sew-Ciety on November 7, 8 and 9 of 2019! Join us for an all-new embroidery retreat with Janie Lantz, an endorsed, exclusive PREMIER+™ 2 Software Specialist! We’ll have a blast exploring some easy-to-learn but exciting specialty techniques!
Play with all-new techniques in the PREMIER+ 2 Embroidery software! Expand your knowledge, and go home with designs to stitch on holiday gifts and to personalize your home. We’ll have a great time, as always!
Demos of the new HUSQVARNA VIKING Designer Epic 2, and the Amber Air serger, too.
And of course, great food from Carol Bonetti!
Put the dates on your calendar now:
- Thursday November 7: Embroidery Extra and Ultra: Outside the Box with Project in the Hoop. Learn how to change up your projects, adding different elements and text, and keeping it all in the right order!
- Friday November 8: Embroidery Ultra: Special Techniques in PhotoStitch. PhotoStitch produces more than just photographs! Join us to learn unique techniques that take advantage of PhotoStitch’s thread-painted styles.
- Saturday November 9: Embroidery Ultra: Editing Embroidery in Create: Insert Tools in the Design Tab. Learn how to utilize the Insert tools for changing up existing designs, system Fonts and SuperDesigns in the Create module/application.
No software? Or want to try it out to see if you’d like to upgrade or purchase? No worries, we can install a trial version of Ultra, or temporarily upgrade your software to Ultra, so you can try out all the tools during the seminars. Seminar presented in both Mac and Windows versions.
Call or stop in to reserve your seat today, as these classes will fill quickly!
Workshop Fees: $50 per day or $125 for all three days
Contact us at 720 733 8102