1025 South Perry St. Unit 101-B
Castle Rock, Colorado 80104


Mon - Sat: 10am-4pm
Tuesday: Closed
Sunday: Closed





Today we attended 5D Software Certification, Part One

Want to know the 5D WOWs from today…

Encore-is now much more. You can encore in the circle, hoop and line and now is Shapes. You can select 20 plus shapes to Encore with. Encore in a line now includes eight types of lines.

My Thread Ranges. You can now have multiple My Threads. So, if you are doing the Fall Changing Seasons you can load those in a My Thread Range and also if you are doing Hoopsister TNT you can load a My Thread Range for that. Are you getting the picture? This is huge!!!!!! Oh and you don’t have to go to Organizer to convert the design…you can do it inside EXTRA. Love it!!!!!

Perfectly Placed Letters. Create your embroidery design and then add letters and the letters automatically snap to the correct placement for the design. No need to move and reposition.

5D includes a Dongle Keeper that you can write YOUR name on. It is small and flexible and does not get the way with use of close USBPorts

Two New Tabs in Extra, Motifs and Frames

Monogram function is integrated into Extra… need to go back and forth on Quicklinks. Whole process is simplified with immediate gratification!

Overview Window-allows to see everything in hoop even when zoomed in

Zoom Function-Now you can type in a number like zoom to 150 % or 50% for exact zoom in…WOW

Split Wizard-You enter the size of hoop You want to use and it will divide accordingly

Tomorrow will we get into the nitty gritty on all other modules in Pro or Suite.

Oh, the 5Dimension is your Imagination…..

Until then…..happy sewing